The Compagnons du Devoir training path

People woh want to become ornamental plasterers can choose to train with the Compagnons du Devoir. That organization of craftsmen offers training in some thirty-odd trades, including plastering.

What makes this training unique is the fact that apprentices are mentored by professionals in the business, to ensure they learn all the skills they need for their chosen trade. At the end of the course, the apprentices can become Compagnons (journeymen).

Vocational training for ornamental plasterers

Why train with the Compagnons du Devoir ?

The Compagnons du Devoir is an organization that is known as a training provider. It specializes in the transfer of know-how in specific domains.

By choosing this training, ornamental plasterers in the making are taught and mentored by professionals in the trade.

At the end of the course, Compagnons have all the tools they need to pursue a career as a plasterer.

apprentices each year
% of apprentice satisfaction
% of young people hired after completing their Tour de France

The organization’s institutes (“Maisons”) will be opening their doors on Saturday, 11 March 2023 to give interested individuals the chance to immerse themselves in this training. All across France, 40 institutes will be participating in this open day.

Trainers and apprentices and touring craftsmen will be gathering from 9:30 am to 5 pm to share their knowledge. Workshops and informational meetings will be held for anyone interested in training with the Compagnons du Devoir.

les compagnons du devoir

Training as an ornamental plasterer with the Compagnons du Devoir

Enrolling with the Compagnons du Devoir

People can train with the Compagnons du Devoir to become a plasterer at any age. The process for enrolling in a course may however differ, depending on the person’s age and history to date.

The post-lower secondary course is ideal for people who are attracted to the profession at a young age. The minimum age requirement is 15 to enrol in a vocational baccalaureate or vocational training certificate programme. The conditions are similar for people under age 25 and people with a general baccalaureate diploma.

Other training options are also available, like preparation for the Tour de France to become a Compagnon, or continuing education for people over 25.

 No diploma is required to train with the Compagnons du Devoir, and there are no age restrictions. The purpose of these programmes is to provide training through sharing, travelling and hands-on experience with seasoned professionals and other learners.

Le parcours de staffeur avec les Compagnons du devoir
la formation de staffeur chez les compagnons du devoir

Taking a course in plastering

Training with the Compagnons du Devoir takes the form of sandwich courses. In other words, apprentices divide their time between theoretical classes and hands-on work at a company.

The advantage of this kind of course is that apprentices have the chance to learn the theory and then put it into practice. This means concrete on-the-job experience that aims to make future plasterers operational.

While taking a course, apprentices will receive a stipend and may be offered accommodation at a Maison des Compagnons institute. Selecting this option provides the opportunity to share the experience completely with fellow learners and professionals.

How to become a Compagnon

Apprentices are not considered to be Compagnons. They must complete certain steps before they can become Compagnon themselves and share their knowledge in turn, if they so choose.

During an apprenticeship, students can choose to become a member of the organization as an Aspirant. This status is a prerequisite for doing a Tour de France.

After the Tour de France, Aspirants are expected to complete a Masterpiece. These often-grandiose projects let ornamental plasterers showcase the hard and soft skills they have acquired. This is the final step, which will decide whether or not an Aspirant becomes a Compagnon.

obtenir son diplôme de staffeur ornemaniste

Tour de France

The Tour de France is an important step in the training of a Compagnon. Once an apprentice has earned the basic diploma, they will spend several years travelling, staying in one or two cities/towns in the Compagnons du Devoir network each year.

L'expérience des compagnons du devoir
Le Tour de france des compagnons

This experience lets them develop interdisciplinary skills and discover different work methods for the profession of ornamental plasterer.

Over and above an enriching voyage focused on craft and technique, the Tour de France is also an interpersonal experience, making new acquaintances and networking with professionals in the trade.

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